Multirow Autoplay Horizontal Card for Review Showcases
This component is a versatile card layout featuring multiple rows and horizontal scrolling. It's designed to showcase various content, with a special emphasis on highlighting positive reviews or important information. This component enhances user engagement, retention, and overall user experience, making it a valuable addition to web applications or sites by providing an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly way to present content.
FrontendNextjs + Framer Motion
This component is a versatile card layout featuring multiple rows and horizontal scrolling. It's designed to showcase various content, with a special emphasis on highlighting positive reviews or important information. This component enhances user engagement, retention, and overall user experience, making it a valuable addition to web applications or sites by providing an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly way to present content.
The challenges in building this Next.js component include designing an attractive and responsive layout, implementing smooth horizontal scrolling, handling dynamic content, allowing customization, optimizing performance, ensuring accessibility, addressing cross-browser compatibility, thorough testing, creating clear documentation, balancing aesthetics with usability, and planning for long-term maintainability.
The solution incorporates state management along with Framer Motion to facilitate automatic scrolling and implement smooth hover effects for each card. This combination ensures a fluid and interactive user experience, enhancing the overall usability and visual appeal of the application.
As a result, we've achieved an eye-catching and visually appealing review banner that captivates users with its interactive elements and seamless auto-scrolling functionality. This engaging feature enhances the overall aesthetic and user experience of the application, making it a delight to behold.
Team in charge
JuniantoSoftware Team Lead
RizkyFrontend Engineer
IlyasFrontend Engineer
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